
Friday, September 15, 2017

Tour Announcement: THE KNOWING by Sharon Cameron

Hey everyone! We are super excited to announce a tour we're hosting for THE KNOWING by Sharon Cameron which releases on October 10th!

The tour will run for two weeks - from October 9th-13th& 16th-20th will have one stop per day and will consist of a mix of reviews, interviews, guest posts, and excerpts.

The bloggers who are chosen as hosts for a an interview or guest post will be required to come up with interview questions (at most five) or guest post (at most 3). Interviews will be author or character interviews. 

Review copies will be provided by the publisher.

Details on a giveaway are TK.

If you'd like to be considered to be a stop on this tour, please first sign up as a tour host and then fill out the sign-up form HERE.

***Sign-ups open until September 22nd Noon PST***

Once the blog hosts have been chosen and the tour schedule finalized we will have a post announcing the tour.

Please note: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed.

We are totally stoked for the tour for THE KNOWING this October! We can't wait for everyone to read it!

About the Book

Author: Sharon Cameron
Pub. Date: October 14, 2017
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Pages: 448
Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook
Find it: Amazon, AudibleB&N, iBooksTBDGoodreads
Samara doesn't forget. And she isn't the only one. Safe underground in the city of New Canaan, she lives in a privileged world free from the Forgetting. Yet she wonders if she really is free, with the memories that plague her and secrets that surround her. Samara is determined to unearth the answers, even if she must escape to the old, cursed city of Canaan to find them.

Someone else is on their way to Canaan too . . . a spaceship from Earth is heading toward the planet, like a figment of the city's forgotten past. Beck is traveling with his parents, researchers tasked with finding the abandoned settlement effort. When Beck is stranded without communication, he will find more in Canaan than he was ever trained for. What will happen when worlds and memories, beliefs -- and truths -- collide? 

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