
Friday, November 30, 2018

Tour Announcement: WILLOW BLOOM AND THE DREAM KEEPERS by E.V. Farrell

Hey everyone! We are super excited to announce a tour we're hosting for a Middle Grade Book, WILLOW BLOOM AND THE DREAM KEEPERS by E.V. Farrell which released on October 9 2018!  

Remember every blog tour and blitz you sign up for from now until December 31st will get you one entry to win our end of the year giveaway for a Kindle Fire or $50 worth of books from The Book Depository! 

The tour will run for two weeks - from December 10th-14th & 17th-21st will have one or two stops per day and will consist of a mix of reviews, interviews, excerpts, & spotlights.

Review copies will be provided by the publisher.

Details on a giveaway are TK.

If you'd like to be considered to be a stop on this tour, please first sign up as a tour host and then fill out the sign-up form HERE.

***Sign-ups open until December 4th Noon PST***

Once the blog hosts have been chosen and the tour schedule finalized we will have a post announcing the tour.

Please note: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed.

We are totally stoked for the tour for WILLOW BLOOM AND THE DREAM KEEPERS this December! We can't wait for everyone to read it!

About the Book

Author: E.V. Farrell
Pub. Date: October 9 2018 
Publisher: Hookline Books
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 334
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, iBooksTBD
Willow Bloom's biggest challenge is to organise her thirteenth birthday party. However, a walk in the woods near her home provides some big surprises - a mystical guardian from another world, a magical forest, and the discovery that her parents are part of a secret order that protects dreams. With the discovery comes a calling. A prophecy tells of a young one who can push back the dark forces that threaten to corrupt our hopes and dreams. Is Willow that young one? Can she take on the forces of evil, the Underlord Maliceius, and win?

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