
Monday, June 24, 2024

Blog Tour- YOU'RE NOT LAZY by Georgia Homsany With An Excerpt & #Giveaway!

I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the YOU'RE NOT LAZY by Georgia Homsany Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!


About The Book:


Author: Georgia Homsany

Pub. Date: January 25, 2024

Publisher: Georgia Homsany

Formats:  Paperback, eBook

Pages: 151

Find it: Goodreads 

Did you know the average person has 60,000 thoughts per day? Even more surprising is that 80% of those thoughts are negative! How do our words impact how we show up in the world?

In “You’re Not Lazy,” Georgia dives into the impact our words have on our self-esteem, showing us how self-talk is killing our self-worth. Learn why we seem to focus on the bad and the typical “lies” we tell ourselves, such as “I’m so lazy,” and how we can reframe self-talk to boost confidence to live a more empowered life.





This book is meant to de-bunk things society conditions  us to think and feel. It’s meant to inspire us to live our  best lives with child-like awe and wonder without us  giving a damn what we think we’re supposed to do or  feel. Above all, it’s meant to teach us to love ourselves  and how our words are more powerful than we’ll ever  know. 

I like to read books and listen to podcasts that educate  me. I always say my two genres are 1) psychology and 2)  business. Unless I’m learning how to do something that  can teach me about my work or self-growth (a.k.a. – self help books… P.S. I hate that phrase!), I’m uninterested.  

“Don’t you love getting caught up in a novel? Or lost in  fiction?” (I’m picturing my friend Allison and her love for  fiction and getting lost in a book.) Nope, not me. I hate  to read. Eek, did I just say that out loud? I did. I have to  be honest, but here I am, writing a book. Why? Because  I believe in the message. 

My eighth-grade teacher, Miss Donohue, would always  say, “Knowledge is power.” Despite being someone who  struggles with recollection, this is something that stayed  with me. (Knowledge in this context is awareness.)  Through therapy, I’ve learned that you can’t make  change without awareness. After all, how can you make  a change when you don’t even know there is a problem  or are willing to admit it?

So, in honor of Miss D and her lesson of “knowledge is  power,” this book is meant to educate you in the ways  you want it to. I am not in the position of telling people  what to do or judging them. Trust me, I am in the  wellness business, and there are plenty of lifestyle  choices someone could call me out on as a fraud. But I  am human, and I make choices, and I will never make  only good choices. That is okay, and the same goes for  you. This book is about giving yourself grace. You are the  one capable of deciding what to improve upon when it  comes to you, not others. 

Before we get into things, I want to tell a story…  

I was on a plane back from Los Angeles when a friend  (let’s call her Donna) asked me to accompany her to a  work conference. I booked the trip at the last minute  because I was frustrated with a new side job I had  started, which was a lot of manual labor. I had been  working hard, and I felt I deserved some time away. I  love California and hadn’t been so far that year. I  envisioned myself sitting poolside with a cocktail, feeling  like a luxury. Dining out at the best restaurants and  “treating myself.” The trip didn’t go as planned. Nothing  went wrong, per se, but there was a strike going on, and  our hotel in Beverly Hills was replaced with a conference  hotel downtown in a not-so-charming area. The swanky  pool turned into a family pool with kids yelling, and I  spent a good amount of time working from a hotel room  (depressing). 

Disclaimer: I realize this is a first-world problem here,  but stay with me. 

My flight wasn’t cheap, but I opted for one with a layover  because it saved me $200. That return flight got delayed,  and I had to re-route since I would’ve missed my  connection. Then that flight got delayed, and it took me  about 13 hours to get home to Raleigh from LA (normally  a 5 ½ hour flight). Most people would be livid, having a  fit, but I kept calm. ‘I have nowhere to be,’ I thought. I  was planning on that day being a travel day, and so it  was. Granted, it was longer than anticipated, but who  cares? I’d be sitting at home vs. in an airport… Not the  end of the world, and it’s what I signed up for by trying  to save money! (I’ll also add that I ended up in two  middle seats in the back of the plane on both my flights  to LA. If that doesn’t say luxury, I don’t know what does!  Thanks, United.) 

As an occasional journaler and someone working on  manifesting more, I wrote in my journal that day: ‘I  manifest flying first class consistently someday.’ Then I  added another line with more intention: ‘I will be a first 

class flier.’ 

Yeah, that’s right, girl,’ I thought to myself. You tell the  universe what you want! (I also wrote after that  sentence: ‘I will be an author.’ ) 

So, my point in telling you this stems from the book I was  reading at the time, The Universe Has Your Back, by  Gabrielle Bernstein. Things started happening for me  when I started reading this book. Coincidence? Or was I taking in (perhaps even subconsciously) all of the  messages? I could sum up the main takeaway of the book  in one sentence: “No matter what you’re feeling (fear,  anger, etc.), just change that to say, ‘I choose love.’” It’s  a good reminder to get yourself back to a good headspace  (I almost said headplace – thank you, second glass of  sparkling wine on the plane as I write this). 

When I booked the trip to LA, I thought I might be meant  to meet someone on that trip or even on the plane. When  writing this, I was 41–42 years old, single, and giving  myself opportunities to meet people in real life because I  wasn’t a fan of dating apps.  

There is likely a bigger reason I made the decision to go  since, when Donna first mentioned it, I winced that it’d  only be 2 to 3 days going all the way across the country.  And even though spending time with Donna in California  was attractive enough, the unattractiveness of the short  duration was surpassed by my gut telling me to go.  

As I was stuck in airport #2 on the way back, I thought,  ‘Hmmm. This trip wasn’t what I anticipated, but that’s  ok. I thought maybe I was meant to meet someone  unique, perhaps a new client or love interest… But as I  sit here, on the plane, writing this book, I wonder if this  is where I was meant to be.’ 

Part of how I justified the trip to myself (not that I  needed to, but why do we feel the need to justify  spending money on things?) is I told my best friend that  I would use the plane time to work on my book. On a  plane, you have minimal interruptions. Plus, you are inspired by going to a fun place, and that excitement  created an optimal environment for me to write. 

On the plane ride to LA, I wrote zero. Not one word. Not  because I was watching Netflix on my laptop but because  I was catching up on work from my other jobs and trying  to sleep since I had been up since 3:30 am taking an early  flight (due to booking a flight that had a layover).  

[Question: What is the opportunity cost if I had spent  money on a better flight that could have led to me writing  on the flight? Something to think about, but I digress  since this isn’t an economics book.] 

Anyway, I made up for it on the return flight. So, back to  Gabby and her book. I’m nearing the end of her book,  and the last chapter is all about being a beacon of light.  Her words are making me warm and fuzzy, to the point  where I’d like to quote her because I feel responsible for  passing on this message to you.  

Gabby says: “I write these books to have an impact on  your life so that you can have an impact on the world. As  each individual lights up their life, the world becomes  brighter. While I want all my readers to learn how to  manifest their desires, thrive in their careers, and enjoy  wildly incredible relationships, what I want most from  you is to be the light. I perceive myself as a can opener  who is here to crack you open to your highest potential  to serve the world with your joy.” 

This warmed my heart so much. Clearly enough that I’m  directly quoting her in my book. I include this because I think so many of my readers would probably think to  themselves, ‘That can’t be me. I’m definitely not a light!’ or some other negative, self-deprecating comment.  That’s why I’m here. To make you aware so you can  understand how you are a light.  

We have to blow off the dust of that light and get an  energy-efficient bulb to bring us into the current day  frequency so we can shine so bright that we see that light  in daylight and darkness. 



About Georgia Homsany:

Georgia Homsany, Founder & CEO of Daily Dose Wellness, began her career in Marketing & Brand Management, before creating her own corporate wellness company. After spending over 15 years in Corporate America, Georgia started Daily Dose to provide virtual "wellness breaks" to give employees the time needed to prevent burnout and promote positive mental health.

She is a self taught, wellness guru with a business background and completed courses on “Managing your Mental Health during COVID,” "Digesting Nutrition" and "Yoga Psychology". She is a member of Raleigh Metro SHRM and is responsible for writing RMSHRM’s Wellness Blog. She recently published her first book- You're Not Lazy- Change Your Words to Change Your Worth to help people build their confidence through the power of self-talk.

Georgia is a New Jersey native and holds a bachelor’s degree in Marketing from the University of Scranton and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from Boston University. She is trained in level 2 Reiki, loves yoga, oysters, wine and is an avid traveler.

Subscribe to Georgia's Newsletter!

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Giveaway Details:

3 winners will receive a finished copy of YOU'RE NOT LAZY, US Only.

Ends July 16th, midnight EST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule:

Week One:


Rockstar Book Tours



Two Chicks on Books

Excerpt/IG Post





Daily Waffle



The Momma Spot



Lady Hawkeye

Excerpt/IG Post

Week Two:


Fire and Ice

Excerpt/IG Post


Dark Fantasy Reviews




IG Post



IG Review


Edith's Little Free Library

IG Review/LFL Drop Pic/TikTok Post



Review/IG Post


Karma Zee Readz

Review/IG Post

Week Three:


Brandi Danielle Davis

IG Review/TikTok Post


Michelle, The Book Critic

Review/IG Post


Country Mamas With Kids

Review/IG Post


One More Exclamation

Review/IG Post


Dana Loves Books

Review/IG Post/TikTok Post


two points  of interest



Ainun Farhan Zahra

IG Review

Thursday, June 20, 2024

JULY & AUGUST TOURS- Tours From Union Square Kids, Vault Comics, HarperCollins Children's Books, & More!

Hey everyone! I am getting ahead of things and doing sign ups for two months of tours! This way we can get books shipped out earlier!

I am super excited to announce the July & August Tours I'm hosting! There's a mix of YA, MG, & Adult. This a great list with a great variety of genres from fantasy, horror, sci-fi, paranormal, contemporary, & more! There's ELEVEN tours to sign up for so there's something for everyone!

REVIEW COPIES- Most of these tours will have physical copies for US Residents only. It will say in each book's description below if there are physical copies or only eBooks. Also I am working on getting audio codes for books that will have an audiobook, I have added that option to the sign up form.



Check below for specifics on each tour and click on the book covers for the Goodreads links and book info.

Details on giveaways are TK.

If you'd like to be considered to be a stop on any of these tours, please first sign up as a tour host and fill out the form below.

Please note: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. I will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed.

I am totally stoked for the tour for all of these tours this July & August. I can't wait for everyone to read them!

About the Books! 

Click on the covers to add the books to your Goodreads lists!


This Mysterious Press Historical Mystery tour runs for one month from July 1st- 31st, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks) I will also ask about audiobook codes for this. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

This latest puzzle mystery from the author of Death and the Conjuror and The Murder Wheel takes stage magician sleuth Joseph Spector to a grand estate in the English countryside.

Victor Silvius has spent nine years as an inmate at The Grange, a private sanatorium, for the crime of attacking judge Sir Giles Drury. Now, the judge’s wife, Lady Elspeth Drury, believes that Silvius is the one responsible for a series of threatening letters her husband has recently received. Eager to avoid the scandal that involving the local police would entail, Lady Elspeth seeks out retired stage magician Joseph Spector, whose discreet involvement in a case Sir Giles recently presided over greatly impressed her.

Meanwhile, Miss Caroline Silvius is disturbed after a recent visit to her brother Victor, convinced that he isn’t safe at The Grange. Someone is trying to kill him and she suspects the judge, who has already made Silvius’ life a living hell, may be behind it. Caroline hires Inspector George Flint of Scotland Yard to investigate.

The two cases collide at Marchbanks, the Drury family seat of over four hundred years, where a series of unnerving events interrupt the peace and quiet of the snowy countryside. A body is discovered in the middle of a frozen pond without any means of getting there and a rifle is fired through a closed window, killing a man but not breaking the glass. Only Spector and his mastery of the art of misdirection can uncover the logical explanations for these impossible crimes.

An atmospheric and puzzling traditional mystery that pays homage to the greatest writers of the genre’s Golden Age, Cabaret Macabre is the third book in Tom Mead’s Joseph Spector series, hailed by the Wall Street Journal as “a recipe for pure nostalgic pleasure.” The books can be enjoyed in any order.

This Deep Hearts YA, YA Historical Fantasy tour runs for two weeks from July 8th-12th & 15th-19th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre-made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks) everything will be gifted via Amazon. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

The gods—the cemi—have left the world of Ke’, and their lush and verdant Andolin Islands are now inhabited by impious followers.

Teenage priestess Hildy Rios is tasked with saving her religion. In a special ritual called the Telling, she must somehow reawaken her people’s love of the gods. Her effort is the last hope of her people: after this Telling, there will be no more chances, as the cemi will vanish into the past, their power forever lost to the world of Ke’.

The weight of her world on her shoulders, Hildy rewrites the Telling’s story—and her own. She weaves a tale of her distant ancestor, a boy named Jenaro, blessed with the ability to see and speak to the cemi; a boy who, though long past, becomes as much a part of the present by way of the Telling’s power.

For three days, Hildy brings to life the tale of Jenaro and his yearning for adventure, how he is haunted by the cemi of death, and who—like her—is fighting against the shackles of his family and society. For three days, Jenaro becomes real, and the power of the cemi to reach across time should be enough to convince Ke’s people, but their impiety runs so deep…

Hildy and Jenaro. Two people joined by cursed blood, but separated by centuries of time. Only the cemi know how their tales will end.

This Paulette Hampton Nonfiction tour runs for two weeks from August 5th-9th & 12th-16th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre-made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks). There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

Take a raw, authentic look at life with obsessive-compulsive disorder through the eyes of a sufferer. From drawing invisible boxes around my parents to protect them from contamination, invoking the all-power number 5 to rescue me from eternal damnation to performing counting, checking, and touching rituals to function throughout the day, When Life was Yellow invites the reader to discover the "monster behind my eyes."

This My 3 Girls Publishing LLC Historical Adult Contemporary Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling tour runs for two weeks from August 5th-9th & 12th-16th, will have one or two stops a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre-made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) eBooks only available. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:


Rio and Gina Ricci will have legitimate careers—unlike the rest of the family. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll were not part of the plan, but definitely part of their destiny. After all, it’s the 70s. With the help of her cousin Rio, Gina secretly pursues her dream to be a singer—against her parents’ wishes.

Enter Trevor McNaughton, a beautiful, troubled musician. Gina brings Trevor back to her family’s gated estate, where her father tracks every move using security cameras placed throughout the grounds. Before their steamy night is over, cold, career driven Gina is in love … and insanely jealous.

Trevor falls under Gina’s spell and the couple brace themselves for the challenges of life and love on the road. But Trevor ignores Gina’s intuition about the risks to their blissful union and the success they are building together. Gina’s not sure she wants to know exactly how the family plans to help the couple and eliminate threats.

This Union Square Kids Middle Grade Paranormal book tour runs for two weeks from August 19th-23rd & 26th-30th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews,  interviews, pre-made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks). There will be images for Instagram stops. 

About The Book:

A hilarious ghost story about a group of thirteen-year-old boys whose friendship is tested by supernatural forces, secret crushes, and a hundred-year-old curse. 

When Aidan Cross yeeted his very secret journal into the house on Yeet Street, he also intended to yeet his feelings for his best friend, Kai, as far away as possible.

To Aidan’s horror, his friends plan a sleepover at the haunted house the very next night. Terrance, Zephyr, and Kai are dead set on exploring local legend Farah Yeet’s creepy mansion. Aidan just wants to survive the night and retrieve his mortifying love story before his friends find it. 

When Aidan discovers an actual ghost in the house (who happens to be a huge fan of his fiction), he makes it his mission to solve the mystery of Gabby’s death and free her from the house. But when Aidan’s journal falls into the wrong hands, secrets come to light that threaten the boys’ friendship. Can Aidan embrace the part of himself that’s longing to break free…or will he become the next victim to be trapped in the haunted house forever? 


This Vault Comics Sci-Fi Graphic Novel tour runs for two weeks from August 19th-23rd & 26th-30th, will have one or two stops a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks) I have the ebook on hand ready to send. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

THE TIME MACHINE meets MIDNIGHTER & APOLLO in SAINTED LOVE Vol. 1: A Time to Fight - a steamy, genre-blending gay, science fiction, era-spanning, adventure-packed graphic novel!


New York City, 1907.

Malcolm “Mac” Irina is the greatest inventor the world’s never heard of, and his lover, John Wolf, is the toughest bare-knuckle boxer in the city. Irina’s crowning invention, the Chronocorridor, is nearly complete. He dreams of whisking himself and Wolf away to a time when they can live and love freely. But when crazed Detective Felt raids Irina’s lab, the couple dive into the freshly powered-up portal to escape capture.

Sainted Love is a steamy time-traveling adventure series, equal parts romance and science fiction as two heroes fight for their love while journeying across centuries of history. It’s sexy, it’s exciting, it’s fast-paced. It’s a gay romance that sees queer heroes become legends themselves as they explore and adventure through iconic times in queer history, from the passion of gay saints Sergius and Bacchusto to the Lavender Mafia of the 1970s, and in between. Irina and Wolf first think they need to return home, but they soon realize that their real calling is elsewhere in time, to places where they’re free to love and exists as who they are and eras that desperately need their help.

Steve Orlando (Eisner and GLAAD Award nominated writer of Scarlet Witch, Spider-Man 2099, Wonder Woman) and Giopota (artist+creator of beloved webcomic Mothersea) hurl you across time with Irina and Wolf, as they encounter famous queer people throughout history and fight back against all who would see their names and love erased!

SAINTED LOVE Vol. 1: A Time to Fight collects issues #1-3 of the acclaimed series and successfully-funded Kickstarter!

For fans and readers of: Doctor Who, Black Mirror, Quantum Leap, The Time Machine (H.G. Wells), The Star Rover (Jack London), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (Mark Twain), Check, Please! (Ngozi Ukazu), Paper Girls (Brian K. Vaugh/Cliff Chiang), Moonstruck (Grace Ellis, Kate Leth, Shae Beagle), The Prince & The Dress Maker (Jen Wang), Bingo Love (Tee Franklin, Jenn St. Onge, Joy San, Genevieve FT) Sunstone (Stjepan Sejic), Money Shot (Tim Seeley), Midnighter and Apollo (Steve Orlando)


This Vault Comics Fantasy/Sci-Fi Graphic Novel tour runs for one month from August 19th-September 13th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books available (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks) I have the download link ready to go. There will be images for Instagram stops. I've read this one already it is so good!!!


About The Book:

The Matrix meets The Wizard of Oz in BEYOND REAL: The Complete Series, a mind-bending psychedelic journey through the nature of reality – and who we really are.


When struggling artist June is injured in a severe car accident that leaves her boyfriend in a coma, she begins to experience strange visual phenomena. When June discovers that the world she considers “reality” may be a computer simulation, she must set out on a journey of possibility and peril into the metaphysical layers of the simulation to reach the world’s creator and save her true love from death.

Beyond Real explores simulation theory, the creative spirit, the nature of reality, and the struggle for self-determination.

Are we real – or are we living in a computer simulation?

What is reality? Is death an illusion?

Enter the world that is … Beyond Real.

Beyond Real, written by Zack Kaplan (MINDSET from Vault Comics) is joined by a slate of spectacular artists including Fabiana Mascolo, Toni Fejzula, Jordie Bellaire, Vincenzo Riccardi, Dennis Menheere, Jorge Corona, and Liana Kangas.

Collects the entire six-issue mind-altering and acclaimed series!

For fans of: Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Matrix, Alice In Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, What Dreams May Come (Richard Matheson), Promethea (Alan Moore & J.H. Williams III), The Invisibles (Grant Morrison), Flex Mentallo (Grant Morrison & Frank Quitely), Ghost in the Shell, Nonplayer (Nate Simpson), Permutation City (Greg Egan), Sea of Tranquility (Emily St. John Mandel), The Restoration Game (Kevin MacLeod), The Peripheral , Agency, and Neuromancer (William Gibson), Tomorrow, And Tomorrow, And Tomorrow (Gabrielle Zevin), and Neil Gaiman,

"Visually arresting. Unlike anything ... seen before. 10/10" - Kabooooom!

"As close to perfect as my be possible. 10/10" - The Pullbox

"A visual feast. 9.5/10" - AIPT

"Mind-blowing and visually stunning. 9/10" - Capes and Tights

"A sci-fi mindf*uck in the best possible way. 9/10" - Derry Comics

This Milford House Press Historical Political Fiction tour runs for one month from August 19th-September 13th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre-made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books 15 copies available (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks). There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

In 1982 Soviet-controlled Poland—a time and place of suspicion and mistrust—when geopolitical forces and violent men descend upon her little town of Zygmuntowo, Emilia must decide if she is willing to risk prison or worse for self-respect and for her unexpected love.

A telephone station switchboard operator is ordered to monitor the calls she connects and Emilia overhears a mysterious coded conversation. It continues to distract her, but not as much as the growing realization that she is falling in unsanctioned love with her best friend Kalina. Meanwhile, outside the city of Frombork, Antek, a shipyard engineer and a Solidarity labor union treasurer, escapes from prison and works to recover the union’s money, a task which in time leads him to Emilia’s town. In the metropolitan city of Gdańsk, Roman, a secret police major, wants the money for himself and dreams of his own escape and the magical beaches of Rio de Janeiro.

As the only daughter of a local Communist Party apparatchik, Emilia has enjoyed a sheltered life, but with the advent of martial law, her mother’s influence can no longer shield her. She faces choices she never expected to make when she discovers her best friend’s and lover’s involvement with the resistance. With new allies and enemies in town, the time to choose a side is now.

In his debut novel, Karol Lagodzki asks: What separates people who transcend their fear and take risks for the sake of change from the rest of us? The answer is up to the readers.

This Union Square & Co. Paranormal Horror tour runs for two weeks from August 26th-30th & September 2nd-6th, will have one stop a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books available (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks) I have the download link ready to go. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

A terrifying tale of supernatural horror set in a cursed Louisiana bayou, from the minds of legendary director George Romero and bestselling author Daniel Kraus.

In 2019, while sifting through University of Pittsburgh Library’s System’s George A. Romero Archival Collection, novelist Daniel Kraus turned up a surprise: a half-finished novel called Pay the Piper, a project few had ever heard of. In the years since, Kraus has worked with Romero’s estate to bring this unfinished masterwork to light.

 Alligator Point, Louisiana, population 141: Young Renée Pontiac has heard stories of “the Piper”—a murderous swamp entity haunting the bayou—her entire life. But now the legend feels horrifically real: children are being taken and gruesomely slain. To resist, Pontiac and the town’s desperate denizens will need to acknowledge the sins of their ancestors—the infamous slave traders, the Pirates Lafitte. If they don’t . . . it’s time to pay the piper.

This Klutz/Scholastic Activity Book  tour runs for two weeks from August 26th-30th & September 2nd-6th, will have one or two stops a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) available. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

Express and explore feelings with this artsy activity book!

Explore all your emotions -- the good, the bad, and the weird -- with an activity book that tracks your many moods. Flip to color-coded sections packed with prompts to write, draw, and color through emotions like happiness, sadness, disgust, and anger. Organized by color (orange = happiness), the book offers tons of activities, all in a portable, backpack-stashable format. With more than 100 prompts, here's a book you can turn to again and again -- no matter what kind of mood you're in.

This book is by my dear friend Z and I am so excited for it!

This Quill Tree Books/Harper Collins Children's Middle Grade Paranormal tour runs for two weeks from June 24th-28th & July 1st-5th, will have one or two stops a day on a Blog, Instagram, or TikTok and consist of reviews, interviews, pre made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. Physical books (US addresses only) and eBooks available (for international people and US readers who prefer eBooks). I am also seeing about getting audio codes for this one. There will be images for Instagram stops. 


About The Book:

A perfectly average boy uncovers a supernatural secret about his family that could put his whole town in grave danger—if it doesn’t make him die of embarrassment first—in this mysterious and funny middle grade debut from New York Times bestselling author Z Brewer.

Viktor Valentine can’t think of a better way to end his summer vacation than playing All the Vampires Everywhere, his favorite video game, with his best friend, Damon. Yet his parents, who make cringey jokes and call him dorky nicknames, seem set on ruining his plans. Viktor knows he can’t really compete with Damon’s “cool” friends—so their epic video game playing is the best Viktor can do to come close to being cool in Damon’s eyes.

But then Viktor slowly starts to realize that his parents may be hiding something from him. They’re acting very suspicious; they sneak out after midnight and return with bloody mouths. But he’s probably just played too many video games. After all, vampires aren’t real . . . right?

Seventh grade is tough enough without having to figure out if your family has fangs. And to make matters worse, the new girl that moved in across the street seems particularly interested in things that go bump in the night. Can Viktor protect his family, or will his sleuthing come back to bite him?

Sign up for all the tours HERE!


Thursday, June 13, 2024

TOUR & BLITZ Announcement- THE LEGENDARY MO SETO BY A.Y. Chan & Aladdin Books!

Hey everyone! We are super excited to announce a Blog, Bookstagram & BookTok Tour we're hosting for THE LEGENDARY MO SETO by A.Y. Chan which released on June 4, 2024!

I know this is a short notice tour but all the help we can get on it will be great!

The tour will run for one month - from June 17th-July 12th will have one stops per day on a Blog, Instagram, or BookTok and will consist of a mix of reviews, interviews, pre made guest posts, excerpts, & spotlights. Priority will go to review stops. 

Review copies- Limited physical copies & eBooks (gifted via Amazon) will be provided by A.Y..

Details on a giveaway are TK.

If you'd like to be considered to be a stop on this tour, please first sign up as a tour host and then fill out the sign-up form HERE.

***Sign-ups open until FRIDAY noon PST so I can get addresses to A.Y. ASAP***

Once the blog hosts have been chosen and the tour schedule finalized we will email all the tour hosts who have been chosen with a confirmation email.

Please note: Signing up for the tour does not guarantee you will be selected. We will reach out to all hosts that have been chosen once the sign-ups have closed.

We are totally stoked for the tour for THE LEGENDARY MO SETO this month! We can't wait for everyone to read it!

About the Book:


Author: A.Y. Chan

Pub. Date: June 4, 2024

Publisher: Aladdin

Formats:  Hardcover, eBook

Pages: 320

Find it: Goodreads

A fast-paced, high-kicking debut that’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon meets Stand Up, Yumi Chung as a young taekwondo artist uses an ancient book to help save her dreams—and her father.

Twelve-year-old Modesty “Mo” Seto dreams of being a taekwondo champion. Even though her mom disapproves, Mo can always count on her dad, who is her number one fan and biggest supporter. Lately, Mo has been on a losing streak, and it doesn’t help that she keeps losing to her archnemesis, Dax, who’s much bigger than her. If only she were faster, stronger, not so petite. Mo can’t even lean on her dad like usual with how distracted he’s been lately.

When Mo learns about the chance to audition to star alongside her idol and legendary martial artist and movie star Cody Kwok, she knows this her chance to prove to her dad, to the world, and to herself that she can compete with anyone, no matter her size. Unfortunately, Dax is auditioning, too. As Mo and her nemesis progress to callbacks, someone attempts to sabotage the movie set and Mo’s dad disappears—and both events seem linked to a mysterious book, the Book of Joy.

The book contains information on Xiaoxi Fu, a secret dance-like martial art developed by Mo’s ancestral grandmother. Armed with these secret moves and an unexpected ally, Mo embarks on a high-octane adventure to rescue her father, save the movie, and discover an unexpected joy in being small.


"Action-packed prose mimics the cinematic high-intensity atmosphere of a classic martial arts film, while Mo’s desire to connect with her father acts as a driving force in this adrenaline pumping series opener." ― Publishers Weekly

"Chan has created a brave, athletic girl whose realistic struggles with her identity and what she’s capable of will resonate. Readers will find themselves rooting for Mo’s success and enthralled with the relatable characterization that fills the pages. An exciting mystery-adventure story that packs a punch." ― Kirkus Reviews

Book Blitz:

There is also a book blitz for this one which you can start posting today! Grab all of the assets HERE!

If you participate in the blitz please make sure to tag A.Y. & Simon Kids and email me the links

You can @AYChanWrites@SimonKIDS, & @RockstarBkTours on Twitter and @aychanwrites, @simonkids, &,@jaimerockstarbooktours on Instagram. And if you post to TikTok #TheLegendaryMoSeto #AYChan #Aladdin #SimonKids & @rockstarbooktours. And you can tag @aychanwrites@SimonKIDS, & @RockstarBookTours on Facebook.

And here are useful hashtags you can use:
#TheLegendaryMoSeto #AYChan #Aladdin #SimonKids #rockstarbooktours #giveaway #fantasy #middlegrade #mgbooks #childrensbooks #kidlit #martialarts #martialartists #taekwondo #taekwondolife #igreads #bookstagram #booktok #booklover #bookworm #bookish #booknerd #bookaddict #booksofinstagram #instabook #bookshelf #bookaholic #booklove #instabooks #booksbooksbooks #readersofinstagram