
Jaime | 3:03 PM | 4 Comments
Who I Am

Rockstar Book Tours is owned and operated by Jaime of Two Chicks on Books and has been in operation for 13 years. Rachel of Fiktshun started the company with Jaime but she moved on to other things so for the past 4 years Jaime has been the sole owner.

We decided to start Rockstar Book Tours because we love books, the authors behind the books - they are our rockstars - and blog tours. And we wanted to be able to provide a service below cost of other tour companies that would allow us to promote the authors and books we love.

I feel that you shouldn’t always have to pay high prices to get the best promotion possible for your books! 

Our Experience

I have have over 15 years experience as a book publicist publicist and as a blogger and have participated on thousands of blog tours. And in August 2012 and 2013 we hosted the Authors Are Rockstars Tour - a month-long event which included over one hundred tour stops.

Jaime is the former Publicity and Marketing Director for Month 9 Books as well as Entangled Publishing. She has moved out of her work in traditional publishing to be an independent publicist. As a part of her previous jobs she frequently organized blog tours for her authors, and has organized blog tours for many other authors from small presses to authors from Big 5 houses. To learn more about Jaime, visit her About page.

I love participating in blog tours and as a participant and event host I know what goes on behind the scenes and how to avoid the pitfalls so that the tour can be run as smoothly, efficiently and effectively as possible.

My Promise

I will do my very best to give you a rockin’ blog tour that puts you and your book in the spotlight with maximum exposure and minimum stress.

I will work closely with you before, during and after the tour to ensure its success.

I will spread the word about your tour on the Rockstar Book Tours blog, on Two Chicks on Books, and on our social media outlets - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr - before and during your tour.

For more information about our tours, please visit our “What We Do” page.


  1. Hello, how can I become A Rock Star Tour Host? I'm an avid book blogger and I absolutely love what I do! I'm apart of several other tours including Tasty Book Tours, Xpresso Book Tours, YA Bound By Books .

    You can find my blog at Http://www.ashes86blog.wordpress.com

    My email is ashes_0249@yahoo.com

    Please contact me and let me know what you decide.
    Thanks, Ashley Poteet

  2. Does Rockstar Book Tours host blog tours on poetry book collections and or poetry chapbooks? And if not, do you know about anyone or any sites that does?

  3. Hello, I understand that my book is not really what you focus on. But, do you know people who are setting up tours like you are for authors who write science fiction? Thank you

  4. Hello. I'm very interested in participating in the upcoming book tour for Dear Martin by Nic Stone. I'm a serious book reviewer who loves novels and blogs regularly.

    My email is semiataiwo@gmail.com

    You can check out my blog at www.stuffedshelvesite.wordpress.com

    Thanks and I hope you will contact me about your decision.


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